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Employee engagement is more than a survey. To have a measurable impact on your organization, be planful and develop an engagement program strategy.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 4 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
Avoid analysis paralysis with a timely and tailored employee engagement action plan.
Contains: 11 PowerPoints, 5 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools, 1 PDF Document
Prepare to implement a new hire survey and action plan to improve the employee experience.
Contains: 3 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
How your organization can activate the conditions for employees to achieve optimal results.
Contains: 1 Word Document, 2 PDF Documents
Prepare to implement an exit survey and action plan to retain top talent and reduce turnover.
Maintain a strategic focus on employee engagement throughout the year.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 2 Excel Tools
Help senior leaders understand and own the impact of leadership on employee engagement.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 6 Word Documents
Find the sweet spot where employee needs and organizational strategy meet.
Contains: 6 PowerPoints, 6 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Craft targeted solutions to increase collaboration among employees and drive results.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 7 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools, 1 PDF Document
Train managers to activate internal employee networks in order to enable cross-functional collaboration.
Contains: 1 Word Document, 1 PDF Document
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2021 to 2022.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2021.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint
Insights, analysis, and benchmarking data from McLean & Company’s Employee Engagement Survey from 2019 to 2023.
View all 15 Research Notes
View all 60 Tools & Templates
View all 16 Storyboards
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