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HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic Guide

Prepare to gather feedback on organizational leaders' needs and priorities to improve HR’s effectiveness through strategic alignment.

Managing key players involves building and maintaining relationships to ensure needs are understood and addressed, and that HR’s strategy is aligned with the overall organizational strategy. It also includes the identification and prioritization of influential key players and those most impacted by HR projects, products, and services.

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  • Get advice, coaching, and insight at key project milestones
  • Go through a Guided Implementation to help you get through your project

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • HR key player management occurs on three main levels:
    • Executive – Gaining buy-in to HR’s strategic direction, and ensuring alignment with the organizational strategy.
    • Department – Gaining buy-in and support from functional level key players related to specific HR projects and initiatives, to understand how to address departmental needs and priorities.
    • Employee – Building strong relationships with employees to understand their needs and ensure HR creates people programs that both support employees and are aligned with organizational strategy.
  • The HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic collects feedback at the executive and departmental level. Starting at the top by building strong relationships with executives will make it easier to gain buy-in from all key players going forward.

Impact and Result

  • Identify perceptions of HR effectiveness and optimize alignment between HR and the organization.
  • Ensure talent strategy and initiatives are aligned with key player needs to drive organizational goals and HR effectiveness.

HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic Guide Research & Tools

1. HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic Guide

Prepare to gather feedback on key players’ needs and priorities to improve HR’s effectiveness through strategic alignment.

2. Prepare to Implement

Launch the HR Organizational Alignment diagnostic in your organization.

HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic Guide preview picture

About McLean & Company

McLean & Company is an HR research and advisory firm providing practical solutions to human resources challenges via executable research, tools, diagnostics, and advisory services that have a clear and measurable impact on your business.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your HR problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 1-phase advisory process. You'll receive 2 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

  • Call 1: Prepare to gather feedback on key players’ needs and priorities to improve HR’s effectiveness through strategic alignment.
  • Call 2: Debrief results and discuss next steps.

Search Code: 97608
Last Revised: September 11, 2023