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Outline a strategic plan to optimize foundational elements and elevate the TA function.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 5 Excel Tools, 1 PDF Document
Efficiency is the foundation of an effective talent acquisition process that meets the needs of key players.
Contains: 9 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Tools, templates, and tips to effectively carry out key activities across the recruitment process.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 6 Word Documents, 1 Excel Tool
Embrace design thinking to elevate the candidate journey and to build a competitive advantage for your organization.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 7 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
Unlock a key candidate source and facilitate internal talent recruitment by optimizing the internal hiring process.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 2 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Use project management principles to navigate and plan for high-volume recruiting.
Contains: 3 PowerPoints, 2 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Increase efficiency by outsourcing talent acquisition activities to free up time for strategic projects and in-house upskilling.
Contains: 3 PowerPoints, 5 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Design an in-house recruitment team structure that adapts to fluctuating internal and external factors.
Contains: 9 PowerPoints, 6 Word Documents, 5 Excel Tools
View all 13 Research Notes
View all 44 Tools & Templates
View all 8 Storyboards
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