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Optimize recruitment at the sourcing stage to expand candidate pipelines.
Contains: 8 PowerPoints, 7 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
Embrace design thinking to elevate the candidate journey and to build a competitive advantage for your organization.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 7 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
A well-designed program will become one of your top sources of quality hires while also driving engagement, culture, and brand.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
Optimize the alumni network through meaningful connections to support strategic objectives.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 2 Word Documents, 5 Excel Tools
Sourcing new graduates is unique – reach them where they are, don’t wait for them to come to you.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 5 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Optimize your future talent pipeline by investing early in emerging talent.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 4 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
Increase efficiency by outsourcing talent acquisition activities to free up time for strategic projects and in-house upskilling.
Contains: 3 PowerPoints, 5 Word Documents, 4 Excel Tools
View all 8 Research Notes
View all 46 Tools & Templates
View all 8 Storyboards
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