Tools & Templates

CHRO 360 Feedback Interpretation Worksheet

Use this worksheet to analyze 360 feedback assessment results to find areas of strength to build upon and areas of opportunity to address.

HR Development Activities Catalog

Use this catalog to identify relevant internal and external development opportunities.

CHRO Competency Prioritization

Use this tool to identify the competencies that impact the greatest number of organizational goals and/or needs.

Key Player Analysis Tool

Use this tool to identify, analyze, and prioritize key players based on their level of influence, interest, and current level of support. Review the Key Player...

Culture Design Prompt Tool

Use this tool to facilitate discussions and identify gaps around the organization's current and desired culture.

Culture Blueprint Template

Use this template to summarize and holistically review the organization’s completed culture blueprint.

Culture Assessment Working Document

Use this tool to document key findings and insights uncovered during the culture assessment.

Culture Design Kickoff Guide

Use this template to present the driving need and gain executives and senior leadership's commitment for culture design.

Standard DACI Template

Use this template to document key players' involvement, including who is driving and accountable for key activities and who must be consulted and informed.

Executive Pre-Read: Culture Blueprint Reflection

Use this template to help facilitate in-depth reflection on how executives and senior leadership's behaviors support the desired culture.
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