Change Management

Guide to Creating a Project Team

Use this guide for direction on how to put together a project team for HR-led projects and initiatives.

M&A High-Level Culture Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess various aspects of your organization's culture as well as the acquired or target organization's culture.

M&A Terms and Conditions Inventory

Use this tool to evaluate the terms and conditions of both the acquiring and acquired organization, and select a target position for each term or condition.

Effectively Manage the People Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions Storyboard

Use this job aid to ensure that key people-related M&A planning components are adequately addressed.

Effectively Manage the People Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions

HR’s involvement is essential to address various people-related challenges that accompany mergers and acquisitions. Using a checklist will help HR to ensure that key M&A...
  • guided implementation icon

Making Sense of Generations in the Workplace Storyboard

This research provides a critical examination of generations in the workplace and their practical implications.

Perspectives Overview – Generations in the Workplace

Use this resource to better understand the landscape of diverse perspectives on generations and generational differences in the workplace.

Making Sense of Generations in the Workplace

From “kids these days” to “OK, boomer”: A critical examination of generations in the workplace and their practical implications.

Sustainment Components Catalog

Use this catalog to explore tactics for implementing the core and supplementary sustainment components.

Case Studies: Build a Change Sustainment Plan

Refer to these case studies for examples of sustained change initiatives.
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