Senior Analyst, HR Diagnostics, Advisory & Data Insights

About Hibah Ahmad

Hibah Ahmad is a Senior Analyst on the HR Diagnostics, Advisory & Data Insights team at McLean & Company, with a passion for leadership and employee development. With a comprehensive background in both research and implementing applied programs, Hibah focuses on translating data insights into action plans.

Hibah has extensive research experience from working with the Human Resources Research & Advisory team at McLean & Company, where she was responsible for advising clients on how to best apply practical research solutions and participated in the development of McLean & Company research. Before joining McLean & Company, Hibah gained experience in a variety of HR areas including learning & development and was involved in creating company-wide training programs in HR. She completed her Honors degree in psychology and received her Master’s in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Hofstra University in New York. Hibah is passionate about embedding in her extensive knowledge in organizational best practices and workplace psychology into her conversations with leaders across various industries.