Senior Director, HR Diagnostics

About April Ridsdale

April Ridsdale is a Senior Director within McLean & Company’s HR Diagnostics, Advisory & Data Insights team, where she leads a team of Project Coordinators, Specialists, and Managers responsible for facilitating and delivering the McLean & Company diagnostic programs. She oversees the processes of diagnostic delivery and works closely with the development team on product updates and new diagnostic offerings. She enjoys fostering a personal relationship with clients and providing ongoing support to help them implement data-driven solutions to drive positive organizational change.

April’s prior experience as a Senior Project Coordinator and a Consulting Analyst at McLean & Company have provided her with valuable diagnostic delivery and advisory experience. Within both of these roles she led a wide variety of calls such as scoping calls, training calls, and results calls. She managed the creation and launch of surveys while also analyzing the results data to deliver practical and actionable insights.

Prior to joining McLean & Company, April gained valuable analytical experience in her roles in the Consumer Engagement & Policy Department at the Ontario Energy Board and the Business Development Department at Union Gas Limited. She brings diverse industry and client experience to her current role.