Talent Management - Blueprints
Types of Content
Embed DEI in Talent ManagementThis resource explores best practices, common DEI barriers, and tips to effectively embed DEI across talent management programs. |
Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback ProcessThoughtfully design and implement the 360 feedback process for developmental purposes to overcome obstacles and realize employee and organizational benefits. |
New Hire and Exit Survey Benchmark Reports 2024Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data for McLean & Company’s New Hire and Exit surveys from 2021 to 2023. |
HR Guide to Job RedesignUse this research to analyze and redesign jobs to meet both organizational and employee needs. |
HR Guide to Measuring WorkloadUse this guide to measure workload, uncover challenges, and recommend interventions to support employees in achieving optimal workload. |
Create Functional CompetenciesFunctional competencies are part of a broader competency framework and are often seen as the next logical step after the development of core and leadership competencies.... |
Develop Core and Leadership CompetenciesA comprehensive competency framework founded on core and leadership competencies is an integral part of many HR processes and programs, including performance management,... |
Build an Employee Sponsorship ProgramBuild an employee sponsorship program to address organizational-level barriers and biases hindering career advancement and leadership diversity. |
Address the Talent Gap Driven by Generative AIGenerative AI can automate tasks, which will disrupt organizations by reshaping roles, shifting talent requirements, and impacting workforce composition. Address the... |
Organizational Retirement Preparation GuideRetirement is a complex process for organizations to navigate. The Organizational Retirement Preparation Guide provides HR departments with guides and templates and the... |