Systematically Develop Your HR Department Storyboard

Plan a simple approach to developing HR capabilities to increase the effectiveness of the HR department.

HR Development Workbook

Use this tool throughout the HR capabilities project to plan the development program, record key information, and perform a departmental competency assessment.

Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program

Industry disruption, organizational complexity, technological changes, and external risks are continuing to change the world of work and, as a result, the role of the...
  • guided implementation icon

Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program Storyboard

As the world of work is changing, CHROs need to have the right competencies to support the organization, as well as grow as an executive. Proactively developing these...

Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to build CHRO competencies needed for today's work environment.

CHRO Competency Prioritization

Use this tool to identify the competencies that impact the greatest number of organizational goals and/or needs.

CHRO 360 Feedback Interpretation Worksheet

Use this worksheet to analyze 360 feedback assessment results to find areas of strength to build upon and areas of opportunity to address.

HR Development Activities Catalog

Use this catalog to identify relevant internal and external development opportunities.

Case Studies: Succeed as a CHRO With a Leadership Development Program

Refer to this case study for examples of CHRO development plans.

Overcome Challenges to Elevate Your HR Facilitation Infographic

This infographic provides leaders with key takeaways and sample phrasing for managing challenges during facilitated sessions.
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